Is this YOU?

  • Lost in your business and not sure why
  • Revenue not what you expected
  • Not sure on your next steps
  • Wondering when or where your next client is coming from

Is this YOU?

  • Lost in your business and not sure why
  • Revenue not what you expected
  • Not sure on your next steps
  • Wondering when or where your next client is coming from

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Your Vision

Do you have an idea that lights you up but you are not sure how to turn it into a reality?

Do you have a business, and you are feeling overwhelmed by the thought of creating a business plan?

Then you are in the right place!

Let’s turn those ideas that light you up into a reality. In this video, I explain the 7 steps needed for a strong and solid business plan.

Meet Kathi Wehage

Meet Kathi

I’m Kathi Wehage, on a mission of inspiring entrepreneurs, to create a business plan with a solid foundation, clear vision, and progressive action steps.

Entrepreneurial dreams often get buried in daily commitments and business plans get forgotten.

When you work with me, I teach you how to create your dream business and most importantly how to create a solid business plan that will set you up for success.

I am dedicated to my clients and share with them my 30 years of experience, owning, operating, and managing, various businesses. When we work together, I support you every step of the way.

I am ready to share my experience and my expertise with entrepreneurs needing a clear, solid, foundation to build their business upon.

Why do business owners fail to create a business plan?

One of the first reasons I see entrepreneurs hesitate to write their business plan is that the dreams they once had, have taken a back seat to day-to-day life.

The second reason is small business owners become too busy working daily “in” their business to take time away, to work “on” their business by writing a business plan. This requires a mind shift to see the potential benefits of having a business plan, and feeling the benefits. So how do you feel this benefit? It is by having a solid, clear, business plan that produces results.

The point I want to emphasize here, it is just as important to make regular dates with yourself to work on your business, as it is to work in your business.

A third reason I have often seen for entrepreneurs not having a business plan, is that it looks and feels too complicated, with too many pages. Yes, this can look very daunting.

I have some good news for you!

For these various reasons I have developed my 7-module business plan with supporting steps within these modules to take the uncertainty out of writing your business plan.

What does this look like?

My passion with crafting business plans for my clients is that I get to see, feel, and get excited about their ideas and vision with them. Let us work together and ensure you have a solid plan for your business.

Wendy Huffman Review

Kathi goes the extra mile. She works with you until you are clear on what your ‘Vision and Mission’ statements are. You walk away being more clear on how to run your business and create new clients. Her workshops are reasonable and easy to follow. I highly recommend hiring Kathi Wehage.

~ Wendy B, Canada

Wendy Huffman Review

Within 4 weeks of working with Kathi I had a business plan with structure and forward action to see my dream for my non profit’s expansion start to take shape. We also processed through things that didn’t work, developing more efficient pathways , that lead to powerful end results. I highly recommend her!

~ Wendy Huffman, Let’s Make The Difference, INC

Wendy Huffman Review

Kathi teaches so clearly that I now see the whole picture of my business plan.

~ Vincent M, Africa